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 Hello and welcome to the Nr.7 Prinz Friedrich August Infanterie Regiment official website! This regiment is a historical Saxon regiment and I strive to represent this unit as well I can. Made up of both new and experienced players, we are a fun group of people that value teamwork and discipline in order to get the job done. With a dedicated staff and active members, we hope to be the very best we can be while still having fun and offering a pleasant experience for all of our members as well as our fellow regiments. Dictated by our code of conduct, we expect everyone in the regiment to be serious when it matters and not ruin the game for ourselves, or for others. Having been a member of this community for well over two years, I hope to make a positive impact and a lasting one. My previous regiment, the 23e, was well known for being excellent when it came to specialists, I hope to carry on this tradition, but with the line. As a message to anyone wondering about joining. If you have the desire to be in an NW regiment, I strongly recommend the Nr.7 as we cater to all ours players needs and do our best to make all our members feel happy and content. All are welcome, so long as you are willing to represent our name well, and do good for the regiment.


Great Regiment






If this was physicial, I would bang it


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